Football Fanpix scarf NFTs
Welcome Football and NFT fans to the Pdi Sports Art 'Football Fanpix scarf' NFT collection homepage. This page is to give you more of a background behind the Fanpix collection and for any future updates and releases.
About the collection
Our Fanpix scarf series is a 3D Voxel based NFT collection dedicated to fans of football teams around the globe.
More about Fanpix scarfs
We thought it would be a great idea for football fans to own their very own super fan characters. This was one of the main reasons we created the collection.
There are currently 7 characters for each team and they use the same 7 names.
You can collect the whole set of one team or individual named sets from all the teams created.
Plans and future roadmap for Fanpix scarfs
The first launch was created with 14 different Premier League team fans. The next step will be top teams from other leagues in the UK and Europe.
There are plans to add a couple of more rare characters or styles into new NFTs for each team.
NFT breakdown
Dimensions: 640 x 640 pixels
Image type: Jpg
Copies: Each NFT has 11 copies (like a football team)
Blockchain: ETH (others can be made available)
Pricing: TBC - Or make us an offer
Marketplace links
Currently the Fanpix scarf collection is only available on Opensea within our Pdi Sports Art profile. You can view the collection within our website or go direct to Opensea (links below).
Internal marketplace link -
Opensea collection link -
If you want to ask any questions about this collection or any other Pdi Sports Art NFT, please contact us. We are open for offers, discussions, and collaborations.
Pdi Sports Art Admin